We uncover the unique breath print of people suffering from long-term effects of Covid.

Long Covid

A substantial number of people suffer from long-term effects following their infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a condition also referred to as Long Covid. The symptoms can develop during or after the infections. The estimated prevalence ranges between 10 and 50% although it is less likely among vaccinated people.

Persisting symptoms are diverse and can include loss of smell and/or taste, fatigue, shortness of breath, heart rhythm abnormalities, sleep disorders, muscle and joint pain and cognitive difficulties.

Many researchers attribute persisting symptoms to an abnormal immune response following acute infection. The initial infection may lead to maladaptive long-term effects in the immune system, such as chronic inflammatory responses.

We at DBI support research activities investigating the molecular changes in Long Covid using state-of-the-art breath analysis. Identification of such molecular changes linked to Long Covid, also called biomarkers, could pave the way for developing novel treatment options.